Discover Slumbar
The modern world is one our bodies just weren’t designed for. Since the creation of mankind our bodies have changed very little, but what we do with them has changed drastically.
We like all animals are meant to be fluid and dynamic, yet most of us live sedentary lifestyles. We sit at computer desks for hours on end, dealing with the hussle and bussle of the corporate world.
Many of us don’t have the time or the motivation to offset the effects of our lifestyles. It’s a shocking fact that between 80-90% at some-point in our lives will deal with Chronic pain, whether that be knee pain, hip pain, back pain…..the list goes on. Surely this cannot be right?
The Slumbar Company was created to improve the lives of those who suffer from Chronic pain and to help them discover the reason for it in the hope that they can live a life without it.